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What's Up Woodford?

May 15, 2023

What’s up Woodford?! ‼️LIVE‼️ We are at Workout with Brett to talk getting and staying healthy with exercise. Not to mention the BOGO sale going on 👀 Also to watch Emily laugh at Cory while he struggles with exercise. 🤣
“Wine Not” by Wildside Winery, Keep up with Falling Springs /...

May 8, 2023

👂 📢 We have Judy English from The Art Village to talk about the 15th annual Art in the Park! Crystal from JB Food Mart talks all things Goldie and where you can find their delicious food FROM the hot spot itself. Watch, listen and enjoy! 🙌 “Wine Not” by Wildside Winery, Keep up with Falling Springs /...