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What's Up Woodford?

May 8, 2024

Keep Calm and Woodford On! Storms are coming so be safe out there. Stay inside and watch πŸ‘€ or listen πŸ‘‚the show. β˜”οΈ. Talking about more events and Woodford Monopoly (since we forgot last time πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ) πŸ‘Œ
Brought to you by Woodford County Chamber Of Commerce and Visit Woodford Don’t forget the other shows on our network from Bluegrass Traditions Wildside Winery City of Versailles, Kentucky Women of the World
#whatsupwoodford #woodfordky #bourbon #Wine #talkshow #versaillesky #midwayky #fashion #winenot #realestate #localfood #localgovernment #woodfordchamber #localbusiness #localleaders #planningandzoning