Missed What’s Up Woodford?
‼️LIVE?‼️No problem. We got you wofo fam! Check out Emily and
Cory’s adventure at Art in the Park.
“Wine Not” byWildside Winery, Keep up withFalling Springs / Versailles -Woodford Parks &
Rec, Business Circle
byWoodford County Chamber Of
CommerceWoodford Weekends
Woodford, Get fit anytime
withWorkout Anytime Versailles
(Woodford Plaza), talk to fashion expert
Madonna inBluegrass
Traditions, Have you moment of Woodford
zen with Rector Hayden Versailles agentCindy Lane Shryockand in
memory Jeri Hartley, same small town agent, new BIG savings
withBluegrass Insurance
Group, Local food by J & B Food
Singhand stop in to see Andy